“The Descendants” is enjoyable all through the way...

Watched the movie "The Descendants" yesterday. Pleasantly enjoyed it. It is a slow movie and the characters take their time to do and say things and if you are not hurried and let them do things their way, then you will enjoy this movie. This movie is not a RomCom movie but a movie in which we smile seeing the characters in grief. This movie also highlights the way that if one person who you hate is no more, then how bad life can screw you. The story happens fully in Hawaii and has that taste all throughout the movie. Even the music is tuned the Hawaiian way. George Clooney has lived this role to perfection and I personally enjoyed each and every emotion he exhibited. The second daughter of Clooney has acted very well emoting sadness once she knows that her mother won’t be waking up again.

The story is simple and the movie shows us a slice from the character’s life.

The scenes which I liked the most are the ones in which George Clooney runs to his neighbor’s place to know about his wife cheating on him and the scene where the family scatter the ashes of the mother in the ocean. But overall the movie has many little scenes which will stick to you even after you finish watching it.

I have not watched any other Oscar nominated movie but really want George Clooney to win one. Just for the charm and the way he ages gracefully.

My rating for this movie is 3.5/5* and go watch it if you like slow family movies with humor J


  1. I sooooooooo adore clooney and have planned to catch this one next week and yes hope he wins !!!!

  2. Sure he will.. Its like every one is going to like him more after watching this movie..


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