The Elixir – The Universal Raw material

Let me ask you a question. What according to you is the most precious commodity you have. May be stocks? Bitcoin? Gold? Diamonds? Yes they are precious but there is a more precious thing which we sell to others at a price and even freely. Elon Musk, Jeff Bezoz, Mukesh Ambani and every human has it. Yes you are getting it. It’s coming out of your mouth. Yes.. It is your TIME.

You may be doing anything. Building a software, Watching TV or YouTube shorts, Playing, Meditating, Travelling. In short you may be making gold from waste or waste from gold, but to do whatever we want, we need the universal raw material. Which is TIME.

If you are employed, then you are mostly working in an organization at a particular hierarchy. Then for sure there are some above you, even if there are no one below you. Over time and generations this hierarchy above you has mastered the art of stealing the most precious raw material. It could be paying less than its value or it could be paying nothing in return of that raw material.

Imagine an imaginative scenario, where everyone in your country is paid an amount (Universal Basic Income -UBI) by the government to take care of the basic essential expenses like food, healthcare, education etc. There is no enterprise or organizations which provide employment. The only way you can grow is to do something creative on your own. Then I feel about 95% of the population would mostly waste the time and do nothing productive. But the 5 percent who have the financial freedom backed by the government would utilize the raw material, think and do productive things. Some out of that 5% would generate innovative ideas and products which would in future provide tremendous value to humanity. But sadly, this 5% of the population is what the organizations hunt for and provide employment. This hunt is usually done by tests, interviews etc. Those who escape this 5% end up achieving more. Those who get in may be selling their very limited raw material at a discount or free for a long time.

Not everyone will have the ultimate gift of using their own time as they want or like. So what should one who is employed in an organization do. Try to be very productive at work. Complete the tasks by using ways and means which can reduce the time generally required to complete that task. If required, try to say no and also delegate work. Know the cost of your time. Spend the mornings, evenings and weekends to learn new things. Read, Meditate, Exercise, travel, sleep & spend quality time with your family. Who knows one idea can help you generate infinite value.

Imagine a scenario. A fresh out of college guy who just got into his first job, spends time in reading books related to investing and deeply understands the concept of compounding (Yes the 8th wonder). This understanding alone is going to give him the option of owning his time in the not so far future.

Let me end this article by telling, Own your time or take steps to own your time in future.


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